
Build2Perform, Olympia

Tuesday 27 November 2018


Evolving from CIBSE's Building Performance Conference and Exhibition, Build2Perform offers more interactive features and multiple seminar streams encompassing an entire floor at London’s Olympia Exhibition Centre.

The CIBSE conference covers Lighting, Natural Ventilation, Urban Air Quality - and other topics - as well as this stream on District Heating and Cooling.

10:00 - District Heating & Cooling - Advantages, Opportunities & Challenges

District scale Heating and Cooling schemes are a practical real-world solution to improve affordability and reduce the carbon impact of heating and cooling. Heat Pump District Networks allow lower costs and reduced carbon emissions for heating and cooling.

11:00 - Heat Sharing Networks - Source Side Heat Networks

Balanced Energy Network Piping

This seminar gives a strong grounding in the potential for large ambient temperature networks to deliver low carbon and affordable heating and cooling at a district scale - with flexible scaling options when built.

12:00 - How does rapid decarbonisation of the grid impact heat network options

This session debates the merits of different technologies, within the context of the electrification of heat and the wider energy supply picture and how best to achieve carbon savings in practice.
• How are carbon targets changing?
• What’s the future of district heating?
• Fourth Generation District Heating Networks
• What are the issues/ limitations in CHP?
• Choosing the right heat network for sustainable buildings
• Current thinking around when and how to specify heat pumps
• How to ensure carbon savings – Heat Recycling?
• Policy, planning and low carbon heat networks: towards low carbon heat: the London Mayor’s hierarchy